The way the ascendant person expresses themselves evokes affection and caring in the Venus person. Venus and Ascendant conjunct in the synastry chart There is a strong attraction on a physical, spiritual and emotional level. As the ascendant is a very personal feature of the birth chart, when someone’s planets touch it synastry, there is a lot going on. On its own, this is a very physical connection, mixed with feelings of appreciation and affection. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. They can also help Venus set boundaries so they would no longer be taken for granted. You are sexually and aesthetically attractive but also warm, friendly and affectionate on the inside. As both the ascendant and Venus are very personal, this aspect stands out in the synastry chart. Like every relationship, there will be times when Venus and Ascendant do not agree on a particular issue. Venus is one of the brightest objects in the sky, the third brightest after the Sun and the Moon. Synastry is an incredibly useful tool of you want to assess how a relationship is likely to affect you. Finally, Venus and Ascendant can use their relationship to be clear and informed about each other’s priorities and values. The ascendant is key for interpreting a chart, its importance cannot be underestimated. Venus conjunct ascendant synastry is definitely one of them! Venus is the planet of love, and all things pleasurable. Some of these may be indications of business partnerships, orsimply attractions. Part of Fortune on the ascendant. There is more to this universe than what we can see & touch. Venus conjunct ascendant synastry suggests that the two people are almost immediately attracted to each other when they meet. It is associated with your physical appearance, clothing style, physical body. In synastry, Venus is one of the most important planets to look to. Mars Conjunct Venus: Yes, this one is more famous for synastry. We went on a few dates and things were going well. For instance, Venus has a desire to be shown affection and given praise. If you want to learn about the best synastry aspects for marriage, check out this article. The Venus conjunct ascendant synastry aspect is one of the strongest indicators of attraction. It can very well happen that some of their planets fall into your first house. Once this is noticed, the Ascendant partner can help their Venus counterpart grow in confidence and self-belief so they can easily share their true selves with others. It is used to represent the part of ourselves that we reveal to others. Thus, aspects (even hard ones) between two people’s Ascendants indicate considerable attraction. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. They see their social life as an opportunity to infuse their lives with beauty and art. This broad appeal can be apparent in the chart. On the other hand, the Venus individual is attracted to Ascendant’s personality, character, and overall physical appearance. Venus conjunct the Ascendant ^The energy of Venus in conjunction with your Ascendant adds a sense of style and grace to your personality and self-projection. That SR Venus and Neptune are also both conjunct my natal Natal Jupiter in the 8th. The Part of Fortune on the ascendant colors your whole chart. As you can see, it is important to know your exact time of birth in order to calculate your ascendant. If you want to learn more about the astrological meaning of this planet, check out this article about the meaning of Venus in astrology. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'yourhigherjourney_com-leader-3','ezslot_6',128,'0','0']));Besides, since Venus and Ascendant love a harmonious environment, they shy away from direct confrontations, hoping that the other party will get their subtle hints. Easy blending (most of the time-look at all the aspects). Venus shows the manner we give and receive love, the way we relate to people, and the patterns of our social behavior. They are attracted to the ascendant person’s style, movements, persona. It is easy for you to get each other and to related to each other. Venus conjunct ascendant synastry here can also be a secret relationship in some way. Socializing plays an important part in your life and you should be popular. This is a good picture day for you. Planets conjunct the ascendant in synastry are extremely important. Venus can also teach their Ascendant partner to be more in tune with their kind, loving, and romantic sides. Named after the goddess of love and beauty in Roman mythology, Venus is the planet of all things beautiful and enjoyable. So, what about Venus conjunct ascendant synastry in the first house? We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The following are indications of at least the potentialfor a romantic relationship, partnership, long-term commitment ormarriage. This placement suggests that the ascendant person perceives the Venus person as a physically beautiful person. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. The Moon person feels bonded to the Ascendant person, as well. So it is not enough to only consider the zodiac signs. Moreover, Venus tends to hide and shy away from being expressive because of their lack of confidence. Venus conjunct Ascendant / synastry / he calls me « beauty » I am not very beautiful and we are just friends, but he calls me « beauty » all the time ! When transit Venus is conjunct your natal Ascendant, you look great. Venus trine, sextile or conjunct the ascendant is one indicator. Venus conjunct someone’s descendant is the same as Venus opposite their ascendant. When this happens, it makes the Venus person resort to using the silent treatment, emotional blackmail, jealousy, and other scheming tactics to get the attention of their Ascendant partner.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'yourhigherjourney_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_2',119,'0','0'])); Also, since doing things for each other make Venus and Ascendant happy, both partners can grow to expect too much from each other. Positive Aspects Of The Venus Conjunct Ascendant Synastry, Negative Aspects Of The Venus Conjunct Ascendant Synastry, Building Harmony In The Venus Conjunct Ascendant Synastry. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Venus person brings charm and beauty and shares affection and joy with Ascendant person. However, this lack of communication often leads to resentment and unhappiness which can ultimately cause a breakup in the relationship. The ascendant is the cusp of the first house. When it’s conjunct the ascendant it can be someone who’s radiant without really “trying”(in reality they do little things all the time that set themselves up for success). Venus Conjunct the Ascendant I call this a “pure love” aspect. Those factors includeSun/Moon aspects, Venus/Mars aspects, and aspects involved with the rulerof the 7th and/or 5th houses, or with the natal Ascen… In this relationship, you express your emotions in a simple, natural way. Ascendant finds Venus person’s presence magnetic, fun and beautiful. The people that I know with Venus in the 12th are also really private about their intimate relationships. Venus conjunct the ascendant from the twelfth house is more subtle than when Venus falls into the ascendant person’s first house. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. The Ascendant represents our physical appearance, and the way we project ourselves to the world. Venus in Conjunction with Pluto in Synastry Chart The attraction of Venus and Pluto is so intense that it pulls these two planets together in a magnetic manner. Explore the natal birth charts of celebrities and famous people by aspect: conjunction, square, trine, opposition, sextile and quincunx. The Venus sign describes how you want to be loved. These most desirable qualities attract many people which teaches you excellent social skills. There is a difference between Venus conjunct the ascendant in the first house and in the twelfth house. Mars trine, sextile or conjunct the ascendant is another, although less strong. This very positive aspect makes you sociable and popular. You’re very effective doing business in a social setting, where you can use your personal charm to promote your own agenda or convince others to support your projects. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. This usually manifests in scenarios where the Venus individual becomes too eager to please their partners to their own detriment. Venus rules two zodiac signs: Taurus and Libra, and it is in accidental dignity in the second house and in the seventh house. However, even though this attraction gives them a chance at a relationship, it is not enough to sustain a successful one. VENUS-ASCENDANT Aspects in Synastry (conjunction, sextile, trine, opposition, square) Venus conjunct Ascendant (Venus opposite Descendant) indicates an aesthetic and sensual type of connection which may feel like an instant crush, or even finding your soulmate. The softness of Trine/Sextile displays gentleness in women, and conjunction to me gives a more harshness, better for males. Venus, when is placed in Dasam Bhava in earthy signs, it can make you famous in the world of television. Have you ever experienced a Venus conjunct your ascendant in synastry ? Both signs love to spend time with each other and do so at every opportunity. The Venus conjunct Ascendant synastry is a good soul mate indicator as it is strongly based on mutual attraction between both signs.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'yourhigherjourney_com-leader-4','ezslot_11',130,'0','0'])); While the Ascendant is attracted to the Venus person because they embody the looks of their ideal partner, the Venus individual enjoys the Ascendant’s mannerisms and energy. Venus conjunct Ascendant natal gives a beautiful body and soul. Hence, If it is a man's Venus that is conjunct the ascendant of a woman it is much better than the other way around because looks are what gets him hooked. Venus conjunct ascendant is definitely not all about being beautiful. You want to please each other, what contributes to long-term compatibility. What happens if in house overlay, someone’s Venus falls into your first house, or vice versa? In this synastry, there is a mutual attraction between Venus and Ascendant on both physical and emotional levels. This attraction makes it doubly easy for both signs to be tender and pleasing to each other.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'yourhigherjourney_com-leader-1','ezslot_3',127,'0','0'])); It gives the Venus and Ascendant signs immense pleasure to make their partners happy and they usually do this without hesitation. Venus Conjunct Ascendant Any planets that are conjunct your Ascendant will influence your appearance and personality in a greatly. The Venus person feels loved by the ascendant person. Based on how your planets interact with each other, you can get an idea about how the relationship is likely to play out. While the Venus conjunct ascendant synastry aspect doesn’t have to be a romantic relationship, it definitely contributes to romantic attraction between two people. It is the planet of relationships and it shows what you want in a relationship. For a significant union of anything to occur, the charts of bothparties should have a number of factors activated. The two are natural partners for one … It often describes the role you were assigned in your family, and you learned to take up this role, but it is not necessarily the real you. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. When Eros is prominent in the chart (for example, if Eros is conjunct the Ascendant, or if it conjuncts the Sun, Moon, Venus, or Mars), Eros themes are strong in the individual’s life. The ascendant also describes how you come across to people who don’t know you well, what kind of first impression you make. The ascendant person finds the Venus person incredibly attractive. The attraction is so intense and compelling to the point that it invokes an obsessional and compulsive reaction. And at the end of the day, your free will determines what you make out of something. Charles Manson (serial killer, musician): Venus conjunct ascendant; Carmen Miranda (the Chiquita Banana Girl): Venus opposite ascendant; Kirsten Dunst (actress): Venus biquintile ascendant; Hermann Hesse (author, Siddhartha): Venus biquintile ascendant; Frances Cobain (Nirvana front man Kurt’s daughter): Venus conjunct ascendant Venus opposite Ascendant in the natal chart is also called Venus conjunct Descendant and Venus setting. This is why synastry is so helpful because it determines relationship compatibility by comparing two different astrological charts. It has been known to humans since the earliest days, admired by all cultures. The Venus person finds the ascendant person beautiful, inside and out. These two aspects are the same, as the descendant is the opposite point of the ascendant. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Ceres Aspects Venus: Oh for a lover with the harmonious aspects (conjunction, sextile, or trine) between Venus and Ceres! This can be easily done because both signs may share artistic and creative interests or even the same goals.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'yourhigherjourney_com-leader-2','ezslot_5',120,'0','0'])); Also Venus can help to widen the focus of their Ascendant partner and get them involved in social works happening in their community. Aspects to Venus can be helpful or they can hurt the relationship, depending on their nature. The ascendant is often describes as the mask you wear in the world, the packaging that protects the real you. In the eyes of the Venus person, the ascendant person embodies everything this planets represents in astrology. You have good diplomatic skills and always want peace. So, Will Venus Conjunct Ascendant Relationships Work? For example, with one man I had Moon conjunct Venus, Mars conjunct Mars, Venus conjunct Ascendant, Venus conjunct Pluto, and a Sun conjunct Saturn double whammy! Even in a platonic relationship, the attraction is there. Today you exude personal magnetism; you express your love and affection to others easily, and they do to you. The Venus person can feel like they were a trophy. If Vesta is close to the Ascendant, there may have been some blockage at the time of birth. At YourHigherJourney we want to show you how to see & read the signs in your life to unlock your full potential. When in airy signs, a 10th house Venus can make you a lawyer, consultant, architect or a beautician. This is especially potent if your Ascendant opposes your partner’s Ascendant (or your Ascendant is conjunct your partner’s Descendant). This disagreement could result from how dissimilar their values, morals, and personal paths are. The only other better place for the Part of Fortune to be is conjunct the Sun and Moon and on the ascendant. This particular aspect will make you very original and unique, people will be attracted to your eccentric personality. The ascendant person displays the traits of this sign very strongly, what sweeps the Venus person off their feet. Venus conjunct Ascendant Personal magnetism at a high! Besides, it helps that they have the same tastes in arts, literature, and music.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'yourhigherjourney_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_4',118,'0','0'])); Just like everything else, this mutual attraction between Venus and Ascendant also has its negative sides. Ascendant person shows Venus person how to … And when their increasingly difficult needs are not met, it can foster disappointment and dissatisfaction with the relationship. 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