(Sunny then takes off her head revealing the Fruit Man), (The Mystery Machine breaks through the wall running over Daphne. This is the last video in his appearance streak, thus setting the record at 24 episodes until breaking it in. Brooklyn Guy: POLICE B****! is the 474th episode of SML Movies and the 2019 Halloween Special. ユニバーサル・スタジオ・ジャパンすぐのエリア内最高層オフィシャルホテル。疲れを癒す31階天然展望温泉(有料)がイチオシ。幅広い客室タイプがあり、5名様まで一緒に泊まれます 部屋 高評価 接客 高評価 清潔感 高評価 実際に宿泊した会員のクチコミ評価から、4点以上の項目を最 … I'm calling the poliiiice. Suddenly, the Fruit Man breaks in), (Fruit Man shoots a beam out of his eyes turning Culdee into an apple. (Culdee walks away laughing. Jeffy reveals that 'Spider-Man' stole the money so he can get better money because candy corn is trash. Black Yoshi's Call Of Duty Special Edition! Judith.A.Mcgregor on October 16, 2019: Trick and treat is an Americanism, traditionally you would knock the door and simply say happy hallow'een and then be invited in or not, if not you walk away It is also possible that Brooklyn T. Guy was just messing with Mario or this was done for comedic purposes. If you don't give me a treat, I will give you a trick! Series Chronology LEAVE ME ALONE! Even though Mario tells him that he's the real Mario and the clothes he's wearing isn't a Halloween costume. Onion Cream: Haven't you heard? It is unknown how Mario knows who people are in costumes, as before he is seen to have bad eyes and easily mistake people's identities. SML Movies This episode was uploaded on the same day Luigi’s Mansion 3 for the Nintendo Switch was released. (Normal) HERE WE GOOOOO! https://sml.fandom.com/wiki/Jeffy%27s_Halloween!?oldid=479388. This is a reference to a popular urban legend where sick, twisted individuals put harmful objects such as razors in candy to hurt kids for their own sadistic pleasure, though the only confirmed incidents were merely pranks among friends and family. Channel: 【即納】【新作入荷中!】加圧 シャツ 長袖 半袖 インナー 加圧下着 ロングシャツ メンズ 筋トレ 着圧 腹筋 スーツ BRAVE GEAR 2020年モデル。加圧シャツ 長袖 半袖 インナー 加圧下着 ロングシャツ メンズ 筋トレ 着圧 腹筋 スーツ BRAVE GEAR … Season One! HAHA! is the 48th episode of "CuldeeFell Shortz!" Polls have been archived. Holloween Rena_2019_sml StogieGoat 12 October 2019 at 21:35:44 MDT Renemon is having a little bit of fun in her new Halloween costume! (Brooklyn Guy removes the mask. Onion Cream: I will tell the Fruit Man about this! (Culdee brings up pictures of him dressed as Jason, The Joker and Leatherface). Sequel: ". You can't see. (Quietly) I swear to god if they don't have butterfingers I am going to eat their souls. It then shows Culdee with a scared face. Mario gives Black Yoshi candy corn, but like the last three trick-or-treaters, he don't like it and instead wants money. First house! This was highly based off of the YouTube video, "Mokey's Show: Halloween! SML crews send good "HOUSE MUSIC"vibes on the floor. Trick, or Treat b***h! Argh har hargh! The Maid! This is one of the few videos that shows a news report without a news bar at the bottom. Series: (Brooklyn Guy points at Sunny who is somehow alive. Mario returns but discovers the money is missing. After Mario takes his booger costume off, Brooklyn Guy arrives dressed up as Mario. Sunny: Who the hell are you? This is the last SML Movie of October 2019. So give me a treat, and don't be a b***h! SYNOPSIS - Happy Halloween! HAHAHA! (Rh and Endless follow him. The episode begins with Jeffy showing up in his monkey costume for Halloween and demanding Mario to wear his booger costume. YOU GOT THE WRONG GUY-. JASON PLEASE DON'T HURT ME! As usual, Goodman wants Mario's house payment, but he talks in rhymes, just like the Cat. The reason why I haven't been doing much reviews was because I haven't been keeping up with SML videos, but now I have been and let's just start with the most recent video. Next Episode: Bowser Junior Almost Goes To Sleep Forever! "Jeffy's Halloween!" W-was that the-, (Suddenly, a man with a watermelon head wearing a fruit hat that has sharp teeth and red eyes comes in), Sunny: THAT IS IT CULDEE! shows that it is also "disliked" in that district (though only because Jet went trick-or-treating in a trailer park believing that rich people were too greedy to give out good candy). After the two of them start rapping because Mario's costume makes him look like a rapper, a news report shows up and Brooklyn T. Guy comes on saying that trick-or-treating is dangerous this year as the sweets are dangerous. (Brooklyn Guy leaves. Upload date: I guess I will start doing SML Reviews again. Mario finally decides to face Goodman, dressed up as The Cat in the Hat, while Jeffy hides. (The Fruit Man then graps a pineapple and stabs Sunny in the head killing her). Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Mario also has a huge sum of money in case Goodman came. Everyone gasps), Onion Cream: Wait. But Brooklyn Guy ignores him and leaves. Rh is seen comforting him). It cuts to Culdee where he is holding a gun). The Human Potion! https://smlfanon.fandom.com/wiki/Halloween!?oldid=81770. Meanwhile, Junior, Cody, and Joseph are going out for Halloween. The SML Place Online Shop Follow us on Instagram Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. After the two of them start rapping because Mario's … Culdee: Yes you are Sunny. See actions taken by the (It starts off at Halloween night. Like the previous trick-or-treaters, Patrick doesn't like candy corn, but Jeffy gives him the money Mario was supposed to use on Goodman so he can buy some good candy. October 31, 2019 Brooklyn T. Guy breaks the fourth wall by saying he has no feet because he is a puppet. Jeffy at first hits them with a handful of candy corn before giving it to the couple in a gentle manner, but even they don't like it. As of the 25th December, 2018, this wiki has. : He turns kids in terrible costumes... Onion Cream: Just like you, and then turns them into fruits! 東京ディズニーランドと東京ディズニーシーで「ディズニー・ハロウィーン2019」が開催中!パーク内でのパレードやショーをモチーフにしたオリジナルの限定グッズが販売されます。ハロウィーンならではのアイテムをチェックしてみて。 This is the second time the word "Kidnap" is censored, the first being. Jeffy didn't learn his lesson from last time and throws candy corn at him as well. 61 Mario then calls Jeffy saying that they're going outside to find the person that Jeffy gave Mario's house payment to. Now who's next-, (Onion Cream sees Endless and gets a scared face), (Onion Cream gets flashbacks to watching the "Friday the 13th" movie and gets scared). What did you dress up as for Halloween? "Jeffy's Halloween!" Jeffy comes back saying that there's no toilet paper. Brooklyn Guy bursts in). His next trick-or-treater is Patrick, dressed up as Spider-Man. A bunch of cute & spooky animals are dropping by. It's Halloween's worst nightmare! Sunny: Yes you are! SuperMarioLogan Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. However, Jeffy doesn't like the candy corn and throws them in the trash. 474 偶数月第4土曜日に頭バーにて開催しているホームパーティーをコンセプトにしたReal House Music I WILL FIND YOU AND KILL YOU AND-. CANDIES! (Culdee, Rh and Endless are seen with baby faces). Probably to trick everyone to not go trick or treating so he can get to all the good houses and get a lot of candy. If it isn't the kucking fid, and his friends! Trick or Treat! (It starts off at Halloween night. Culdee: Boo- AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! (Onion Cream stretches his neck and goes past Rh), (Rh bites Onion Cream's neck only to get a shriveled up face), (Onion Cream reveals he is using a fake head and neck and brings out a bitten carton of garlic milk), Onion Cream: How do you like the taste of my home made garlic milk? I think you are blind. It cuts to black. THIS IS HALLOWEEN! Brooklyn Guy: Well, you're under arrest for spreading terrible rumors! 2019年10月7日 Posted by Tetsu Otter Twitter Facebook 0 LinkedIn Pin it 0 B! It then switches to the others walking down the sidewalk). April 28, 2019 Bowser Junior realizes there is gravity. 1 Synopsis 2 Plot 3 Characters 4 Trivia 4.1 Errors 5 Poll Jeffy passes out candy! Mario tells Goodman the truth and he'll find the person with the house payment money. The episode ends). Endless: Well, your electricity is crappy. Trick or Treat! Fundraiser Halloween Dance-a-Thon Posted on October 10, 2019 October 24, 2019 Categories General As families come together to give thanks for our blessings, we at St. Michael Catholic Academy want to thank you for your support throughout the 2018-2019 school year. (Suddenly, the Fruit Man gets shot in the leg and falls down. Part 1, Bowser Junior Goes To Military School! Culdee: Welp, I'm in jail. Smith Mountain Lake Regional Chamber of Commerce is the best place to find an event in the Moneta VA area. I AM GOING TO PUNCH YOU, AND R*** YOU! The Costume Contest! It then shows Culdee in his cell). Let's party together on the 4th Saturday of even month at Zubar, Shibuya. It is dark and there is a full moon. (Culdee sees the sign that says "Please ring". 437 Gravity! Culdee: "laughter" I am going to SCARE them- BLEGH. Jeffy's monkey costume in the video has a different face from the one in the thumbnail. Mario starts panicking while Goodman kept ringing the doorbell. This is the last video to have a breaking news segment of 2019 as well as the 2010s. It could be that he is able to know that it's a costume due to the fact that he himself is the real Mario and that people that dress like him is just someone in disguise. Culdee, Rh and Endless: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! 2nd November 2020 Jeffy and Junior wish to get their sweet again! It then shows the Scooby Gang). They are ready to go trick-or-treating, but Cody then says he can't because somebody is putting thumbtacks on candy. I love this holiday! 59 talking about this. Prequel-Sequel Chronology Brooklyn Guy breaks in), Brooklyn Guy: I heard screaming, what's going on-, (Brooklyn Guy eats the apple. Culdee: (Rapping) Trick, or Treat b***h! Thankfully, Mario stops him. Episode: (It then cuts to Sunny's house where she is seen watching "The Lion King" when she hears Culdee screaming and gets an angry face. Onion Cream: Well well well, look what we have here! If you give me a treat, I won't give you a treat! He is about to ring but then loudly bangs on the door. Though this time, Patrick returns with Brooklyn Guy (who has changed back into his copy uniform for some reason). April 16, 2019 436 Jeffy The Psychic! Sunny: "sigh" Guys you are too old for this! Culdee also has a hook on his right hand). What am I doing here? So the trio decides that they're going to spend Halloween sitting around and not do any trick-or-treating. Culdee: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! With the Titototter video released the next day ("The Candy Problem!") Goodman's "Cat in the Hat" costume was recycled from Jackie Chu's costume from last year's Halloween special. Culdee: OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! Bowser Junior Goes To Military School! Inside is a haunted black and white living room. Also, Jeffy's "Monkey" costume is also the same as Shrek wore in that episode. October 31, 2019 Halloween 2019 Oh my! OHHHH BOY! (It then switches outside. Oh I mean. The Halloween Heist! Now lets see who this "Fruit Man" is! Vampire: WOAH WOAH WOAH CULDEE CALM DOWN! ネイビー 2019/12/27 10:32:49 by:ゆうたぴ ネイビーのSサイズを購入しました!2ピースになっているのでもしスカートの丈が合わなくても調節できるのでそこがいいなと思いました!色もちゃんと可愛かったです! Nevertheless, they leave the place saying that they don't like the world. Happy Halloween everyone! SuperBowserLogan Lil Fred is seen resting, but Culdee runs in and screams making him jump). Culdee: NO! Shaggy: Well, thank God we solved this mystery right Scoobs? The first trick-or-treaters come to Mario's house for candy, those being Judy and Tyrone, who is dressed up as a naughty nurse and a 'zebra', respectively. But after Patrick refuses, Mario takes his bucket and drives back home. (Culdee then sees a person in a Jason mask), (Culdee then sees a blocky vampire wearing black headphones). Haunted Hayride & Halloween Campfire at SML State Park From 5 - 6 p.m. Travel a rarely used wooded trail and listen to the story of why so few venture down this forgotten road! This is Brooklyn T. Guy's 24th appearance in a row, but as a minor character once again. (Sunny notices that Culdee, Endless and RH are in costumes). Jeffy's Halloween! Brooklyn Guy applauds Mario for dressing up as his favourite video game character, too. Jason: If you kill me, I won't die. YOU STUPID B***H I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU! Season One! Rh: Don't be scared Culdee, the Fruit Man doesn't exist! is the 474th episode of SML Movies and the 2019 Halloween Special. - Calendar view February 2021 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Jeffy tries reassuring Mario by saying Goodman won't show up, except he's wrong. It is also the first halloween special! Sunny. This video was uploaded 10 years after the first SML Halloween Special. Black Yoshi's Call Of Duty Modern Warfare! This is a rare occasion where Mario was able to pay off his "house payment" with little issue, as well as the first time Goodman's threat was subdued, saying he would merely be "very angry" rather than threatening some outlandish physical harm or mere eviction. He finds his house payment underneath Patrick's stash of 'good' candy and Goodman takes it and leaves with it and a candy bar. Part 2. Culdee: You can dress up as a scary monster! SML Fanon Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. At 2:49 you can see a box of thumbtacks which means Brooklyn T. Guy put thumbtacks on candy on purpose. You are very very OLLLDUHHH. Lil Fred is seen resting, but Culdee runs in and Junior is dressed up as a Poliwhirl, Cody is dressed up as Mojo Jojo and Joseph is 'Curious George'. Mario denies it, but after that fails, he tells the Brooklyn Guy the truth that Jeffy gave away his house payment to Patrick, despite the fact that he should've asked Patrick for the money in the first place. Cause if you don't give me a treat, I WILL BE THE B***H B***H B***H! Mario needs the toilet, too so Jeffy had to deal with the candy. Culdee: Hahaha! SML Blanchard Branch Reopens January 26 Shreve Memorial Library will once again welcome patrons at the Blanchard Branch. (Culdee falls asleep on his bed. 4 2019-12-04 Mサイズ購入。160cm50kgあります。SかMか迷いました。私はややヒップが大きめなのでそこを通過するのに、ゴムめいっぱい広げて引き上げた感じでした。なのでMサイズは妥当だったかなと思います。ただ履ききった姿を Black Yoshi then shows up as a seed in a watermelon, but Mario won't give him candy because he and Black Yoshi live in the same house. Brooklyn Guy then writes Mario a ticket for giving out candy corn. Mario and Luigi's Stupid and Dumb Adventures, Mario and Bowser's Stupid and Crazy Adventures, Episodes where SML Characters break the fourth wall. Mario tells Black Yoshi to go to another house, but Black Yoshi says he's on house arrest, prompting Mario to bring him inside. Brooklyn Guy: Yeah yeah, time to bring you to prison. HALLOWEEN HALLOWEEN HALLOWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN! Patrick then asks Mario to give him back his candy, but on his neck, which results in him choking to death. Halloween is technically a Christian variation of the more traditional Pagan holiday of Samhain. The doorbell rings again. And he still hasn't learned his lesson about not hitting people with candy corn. Culdee then comes back to the door wearing a pirate costume with a hat that has a Freddy Fazbear skull and it still says FANF. But hey, at least nothing happened! April 20, 2019 Jeffy keeps having visions where he can predict the future! 【価格改定】[SMLサイズ]ベルト付レース切替えレイヤード風タイトミニ[3サイズ展開]の通販はdazzysore。週3日、話題の最新商品を入荷しています!商品代金10000円(税抜)以上で送料無料… Mario tells Jeffy to stop throwing the candy corn, but Jeffy then decides to go to the toilet. Onion Cream then appears at the door). Onion Cream: But it's a treat ammi right? It is also the first halloween special! NO WAIT! Sunny stares evilly at Culdee with blood leaking out of her head from the stabbing), (Culdee charges at Sunny only to get tackled and arrested by Brooklyn Guy), Culdee: YOU B***H! Culdee: Alright! is the 48th episode of "CuldeeFell Shortz!" Onion Cream: NOOOOOOOOOOOO! Culdee: And the most important thing... is... freee. (Suddenly, Culdee's pear comes out with a face). How To Save Princess Peach, The Black Yoshi Way? Culdee: No, it's usually good at night. Jeffy - Monkey (claims he was Mickey Mouse), Bowser Junior - "Poliwhirl" (Actually a Demon Costume), Joseph - A shirt that says "Curious George" on it (said to have been obtained at Goodwill). Brooklyn Guy then notices that Mario's giving away candy corn, and quickly declines it. NO NO NO! Remember I have meta immortality. The door silently opens. All you need to do, is create an account and log on. Previous Episode: Hatena 0 Pocket 0 LINE Send LINE Send RSS Feedly 0 Twitter YouTube RSS Feedly BIDS v202公開 ~openBVEへの対応など~ どうも . They find Patrick and persuades him to come into the car. Halloween! SML Wiki Fanon is the number one place to write your fan-fictions, custom videos, alternate endings, or anything related to SML. Culdee: THIS IS HALLOWEEN! 2020/07/18 - Pinterest で Yurina Wolfe さんのボード「2019 halloween」を見てみましょう。。「ハロウィン 仮装 アイデア, ハロウィン コスプレ, 子ども コスプレ」のアイデアをもっと見てみましょう。 Continue reading "Fundraiser Halloween Dance-a-Thon" October Newsletter Posted on October 6, 2019 Categories General Please find attached the St. Michael Academy Newsletter, October 2019. Halloween! He runs off. 2,877 Likes, 29 Comments - 茅原 実里 (@minori_chihara) on Instagram: “ 10月もおつかれさまでした♡ 11月も元気よく行きましょう! #茅原実里 #minorin #ハッピーハロウィン” The branch, located at 344 Alexander Avenue in Blanchard, has been closed since October 2020 for renovations. Hehehe! May 1, 2019 Jeffy gets a Candy Corn is shown to be disliked by many in the SML universe in this video. The episode begins with Jeffy showing up in his monkey costume for Halloween and demanding Mario to wear his booger costume. Mario tells Black Yoshi that nobody gives out money on Halloween nor Call of Duty games or Call of Duty 'movies'. Brooklyn Guy asks Mario if he stole Patrick's candy. Now, it is time to sleep! Culdee: I will scare them with my pirate costume! YOU B***H! SML Question: 438 Jeffy Breaks His Leg! Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Space is limited, so pre-register at the Main Office. LEAVE ME ALONE! Video no. Jeffy still wants to go trick-or-treating but Mario has better plans: Passing out candy corn to any trick-or-treaters coming to their house. See here for poll archive. 2019年12月9日(月)~2020年1月5日(日) 【キャンペーン対象店舗(店名五十音順)】※2 ※対象店舗様によりキャンペーン応募サイトが異なります。 It could be that Logan and some of his friends hate candy corn in real life. IT'S HALLOWEEEN! Video Information Prequel: Cody said that someone was putting thumbtacks in candy. LEMME WATCH MY TV IN-.
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