a. X c > X L b. X c = X L c. X c < X L d. What will be the molecular formula of the compound. The mass of a box measured by a grocer’s balance is 2.3 kg. c) mole fraction. False 3. Which of the following terms are unitless? Dimensionless quantities are widely used in many fields, such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, engineering, and economics. The equal sign separates the parameter name from the value. Tutorial of solved problems for oral viva questions & lab exam. The line-height property defines the amount of space above and below inline elements. a. Reactance b. Susceptance c. Resistance d. All of the above. The following operators are supported in parameters and dimension edit boxes. Multiple Choice Questions (Type-I) 1. * 3.50 x 6.02x1023… Which of the following terms are unitless ? In a molar ratio, each unitless value is expressed relative to a standard for that experiment. Which of the following is unitless * Molarity Molality Mole fraction Mass - Chemistry - Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry Specific gravity for liquids is nearly always measured with respect to water at its densest (at 4 °C or 39.2 °F); for gases, the reference is air at room temperature (20 °C or 68 °F). Select ALL that apply. 9. a. Vitreous b. Translucent c. Earthy d. Shiny e. Silky 2. That is, elements that are set to display: inline or display: inline-block.This property is most often used to set the leading for lines of text.. p { line-height: 1.5; } The line-height property can accept the keyword values normal or none as well as a number, length, or percentage. Solution for Which of the following unitless setups would help determine how many formula units of KMNO, are contained in 3.50 mol KMNO,? A unitless quantity never has a non zero dimension, explain? The following examples are shown in default units. Language Arts. manishbishnoi0387 manishbishnoi0387 Answer: Formula Mass. An example of a quantity that has a dimension … Chapter 01: Chapter 1 of Chemistry Examplar Problems (EN) book - I. If two elements can combine to’form more than one compound, the masses of one element that combine with a fixed mass of the other element, are in whole number ratio. 1/s s 1/m unitless m/s m . Usually, the next step, if there is one, is to specify what kind of beast this "10" is, e.g. The same concept is used for other units. Which of the following terms are unitless? 1.7k SHARES. Which of the following terms are unitless? B) The units of K depend on the coefficients in the balanced equation. which of the following term is unitless. Following reaction takes place: How many significant figures should be present in the answer of the following calculations ? The correlation equals the proportion of times two variables lie on a straight line. To give you an idea of how this works, consider the following table of figures, comparing power losses and gains in bels versus simple ratios: Which of the following statements is true? 1:05 100+ LIKES. 0 votes . unitless quantity (a) never has a nonzero dimension, (b) always has a nonzero dimension, (c) may have a nonzero dimension, (d) does not exist. 19) Which among the following condition is true at the resonance? Now, it is defined in terms of the common (base 10) logarithm of a power ratio (output power divided by input power): The Bel is Nonlinear. Which of the following pairs have the same number of atoms ? Which of the following statements about a compound is incorrect ? D) K is unitless because the pressures or molarities in the equilibrium constant expression are unitless activities. C) K is unitless because the units always cancel. Which of the following statements is/are correct? Login. The empirical formula and molecular mass of a compound are CH20 and 180g respectively. A unitless quantity (a) never has a nonzero dimension. unitless quantity (a) never has a nonzero dimension, (b) always has a nonzero dimension, (c) may have a … Which of the following terms are unitless ? Is it possible to have dimensionless and unitless physical quantities? (i) Molality (ii) Molarity (iii) Mole fraction (iv) Mass percent. 0votes. [3] By definition, a perfect vacuum has a relative permittivity of exactly 1 whereas at STP , … Which of the following statements indicates that law of multiple proportions is being followed ? Two students performed the same experiment separately and each one of them recorded two readings of mass which are given below. Define parameter name and value. Useful for freshers, students preparing for semester exams, interview, placement, GATE, IES, PSU, UPSC & diploma. a) molality. a. Intangible property b. tangible property c. copyright****** d. intellectual property What is piracy? Formula Mass Mass Percent Molarity Molality 1 See answer MaxRedDragon is waiting for your help. In dimensional analysis, a dimensionless quantity is a quantity to which no physical dimension is assigned, also known as a bare, pure, or scalar quantity or a quantity of dimension one, with a corresponding unit of measurement in the SI of the unit one (or 1), which is not explicitly shown. 1:01 000+ LIKES. asked Mar 5, 2018 in Class XI Chemistry by rahul152 (-2,838 points) Which of the following terms are unitless ? Which of the following terms are useful for describing the luster of nonmetallic minerals? Correct Option: A The electromagnetic spectrum is generally divided into seven regions, in order of decreasing wavelength and increasing energy and frequency: radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays and gamma rays.So among the given options, visible lights has the lowest frequency, while gamma rays has the highest. Hydrogen gas is prepared in the laboratory by reacting dilute HC1 with granulated zinc. Which of the following quantity is unitless ? Which of the following solutions have the same concentration ? Use "ul" for unitless terms. 1.7k VIEWS. Which of the following terms are unitless? Which of the following terms are unitless? What is the total mass of the box and the difference in the masses of the pieces to correct significant figures? The higher STC rating, the better sound isolation the wall is to achieve across all frequencies c. TL is dependent on frequency d STC is dependent on frequency e STC value is unitless | Case (2): When receiving end is shorted. Differentiate solids, liquids and gases in terms of volume and shapes. some basic concepts of chemistry. 5.1k views. Answers (1) I infoexpert22. An expression is evaluated according to the algebraic order of operations and default unit values. This constant is known as open circuit conductance. Notice that the unit of A is unitless and hence called voltage ratio. asked Aug 18, 2018 in Chemistry by Sagarmatha (54.4k points) some … (a) Molality (b) Molarity (c) Mole fraction (d) Mass per cent. Which of the following statements about the correlation coefficient r are true? Because the bel is a logarithmic unit, it is nonlinear. (Select all that apply.) A unitless quantity (a) never has a nonzero dimension, (b) always has a nonzero dimension, (c) may have a nonzero dimension, (d) does not exist. a. 18) Which among the following get/s cancelled under the resonance condition in a.c. circuits, if inductive and capacitive reactances are in parallel? 2.2k SHARES. Which of the following reactions is not correct according to the law of conservation of mass? Q22. Network Theory objective questions (MCQs) and answers for competitive & university exams. New questions in … Another common term encountered for both absolute and relative permittivity is the dielectric constant which has been deprecated in physics and engineering as well as in chemistry. b. Which of the following terms are unitless ? TENSION EXAMPLE Tension is always a pulling force Tension is the same on both ends of a lightweight rope Example: Find the tension in the lightweight rope between the two masses if the two masses have the same acceleration and slide across a frictionless surface (assume the rope is massless) See the notes on Canvas for the solution to this problem which was done on the board in class 1answer. Which of the following statements about “Life Without Gravity” explains why it is an expository essay? Which of the following statements are false? 6.4k VIEWS. b)molarity. For instance, serine has a molar ratio of 3.0 × 10-2, meaning that for every mole of glycine, there is 3.0 × 10-2 mole of serine present in the sample. The answer are the options (iii) and (iv) Explanation: Mole Fraction: It is the particular ratio of the substance in the solution in comparison to the total components of the solution. If t refers to time in seconds and x refers to distance in meters, what must the units of k be? Welcome to Sarthaks eConnect: A unique platform where students can interact with teachers/experts/students to get solutions to their queries. 2.2k VIEWS. Add your answer and earn points. The motion of a vibrating system is described by the function y(x, t) = A0e^(-at)sin(kx-ωt). ris unitless -1 STATEMENT-2 A constant may not be unitless. A unitless quantity (a) never has a nonzero dimension, askedApr 27, 2018in Physicsby paayal(147kpoints) introduction of physics. Here, the standard is the number of moles of the amino acid glycine, which is set to a value of 1.0. From equation (2), C = Is / V R. From the above expression of constant C, it is clear that, the unit of C is Mho. a. A plain 10 is dimensionless and (I suppose) unitless in the sense that you can attach any dimension and, once you do that, you can attach any unit. Explanation: formulamass is a unitless.
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