Neptune-sun dw: idealize each other In my eyes you can do no wrong, forgive each other a little too easily. I'm in love, what else can i say? Secrets from a Stargazer's Notebook, Debbi Kempton Smith: There is an attraction that is almost instinctive between these two people. Wow, we have the dw. In this case, one personâs Moon is conjunct the other personâs Descendant, which indicates the Moon person expresses her emotions in a way that is ideal to the Descendant person. sun/moon DW Valentine in Synastry but focusing on the easy aspects such as Trines, Sextiles and Conjunctions. I am a Capricorn Sun, Leo Moon, Libra Ascendant born on January 18 1995/ 23:55 For example there is a Yin/Yang interplay here that can be quite felt in a romantic relationship, while in a friendship, it takes on a different value. Just being together brings the both of them a lot of joy. It all depends what your definition of "twin flames" or "soulmates" is, doesn't it. It's not just the conjunction, but also the DW or close orb geometry as mentioned in the list :). 3) Do you think it is significant to have draco and tropical composite sharing exact zodiac points but different planets? Sun novile moon His Eros conj my Sun in Scor. Mars conjunction mercury and mars trine mercury: I don't really know about this one
we love to play games together, and challenge each other. Vertex-uranus dw, uranus-moon dw: get together very quickly. thank you dear leeloo for your patient responses. How about conjunctions between the same asteroid? His Neptune is at 7 Scorpio and my neptune at 13 Scorpio. I want to know if our synastry and composite chart is a good indicator of a future long-lasting marriage between us, and are we soulmates or twin flames? Identifying a great romantic-marital relationship with astrology. Venus/Jupiter (conjunction) Nearly impossible to think something bad about the other person. Venus square Pluto Hi Leeloo, Synastry isn't just about aspects -- it all begins with the natal charts and the more affinity exists between the two natals, the better! You know where the other person is coming from and why they think the way they do. They are a complementary aspects, and many times you should feel like the partner is the other half of the coin. Saturn-ascendant dw: ground each other, stable. This is generally what we check out first when looking at a synastry, if there are aspects between the "big 5" because this shows two things: the two people involved interact on a personal level; we have romantic/marital combinations in synastry, since these are the 4 primary romantic marital/planets. north node square north node Synastry: Moon â Uranus Aspects . Ideal: DW (double whammy) Having a Sun/Moon AND a Venus/Mars DW is quite rare, so don't get discouraged. Chiron square Uranus Menu Services. His moon trines my ascendant exact and my moon squares his ascendant around 3 degrees. Have you come across such experience? ------------------Pisces sunLeo moon ♥Aint nobody realer. Thus, aspects (even hard ones) between two peopleâs Ascendants indicate considerable attraction. Aspects are decoded differently in romantic vs friendship/family charts. His birthday is 3/7/84 and I don't know his birth time, but my best guess is 6:30pm GMT+9 time zone. Uranus square Moon a planet or an Angle) in hard aspect with the Sun/Moon midpoint, the planet or the Angle often becomes the catalyst for our deepest need fulfillment & creative self expression. Love styles can be different which can lead to emotional frustration. Moon Oppose Venus There is no point in discussing Romantic Soulmates or Twinflame astrology outside the framework of how love connects with astrology in real life, outside the markers already found in enduring real-life love relationships. Like Venus-Mars inter-aspects, mars moon inter-aspects represent the male/female or yin/yang energy between couples. November 2016 2. Mc conjunct north node Tarot I am not sure if i want anything with him. May 2016 Kiron in 7 house beeing apex ,venus conjunct Júpiter and ascendant in the other points. Hello, I have interesting experiences. it's a weird question I know, but I would really like to know what you think about it! If you care to post the natal chart, and the synastry/comp, the answer should be right there." The unmistakable physical attraction via Venus- Ascendant, Mars- Ascendant, Venus-Mars, Moon-Mars contacts to name a few plus Sun conjunct Lilith, Venus sextile Pluto and Moon trine Pluto double whammy etc. His Sun Ven Moon very close to my Asc 10Aqu. Thanks. June 2015 In natal chart analysis, when we have a focal point (i.e. You appreciate each others philosophies and ideals. :). My birthday is 9/18/85 6:50am eastern time. We have only a Sun Semisextile moon between us.. but we have Venus mars Trine, and Venus venus trine mars mars opposition. venus square venus Hi LeeLoo, Sun/Moon/Ascendant Synastry Aspects. It doesnât really work that way. March 2016 Sun/Moon midpoint is a very sensitive point in relationships. Can't be stronger (almost). Jupiter/Pluto - quadruple whammy (conjunction) Intense philosophical conversations and mutual soul-searching. do you believe, that if for this reason she refuses to get married, she will be made to pay for it? How do oppositions with asteroids play out in synastry? The Ascendant/Descendant is the relationship axis, it is a work in progress, it describes our journey through life and how we adjust ourselves when we are confronted by people and new experiences. Moon conjunct Venus Synastry Double Whammy. I may think that our Moon oppose Venus Moon Conjunction Ascendant - Seek and meet people born on the same date as you. We just seemed to understand one another. His moon at 0 Taurus and my moon at 16 Scorpio. Moon-Mars aspects in synastry are indicative of great attraction and sexual attraction between two people.It does not matter if the aspects are stressful or soft. Astrological Events Moon Conjunction Ascendant Meaning, Synastry Chart Aspect, Free Astrology Interpretations. Double whammy means that aspects in the synastry are reciprocated. So Venus/Mars to Sun/Moon in all combinations falls under this category. What is your insight of our synastry? His mercury, venus (opposite my ascendant exact), mars in my 7th, my venus, mars in his 2nd (secondary seventh house) his pluto in my 1st (secondary seventh house), his sun and moon in my 8th, my sun in his4th, my moon in his 11thâ¦. When your moon touches a persons Pluto, you join a club of few. Affection and love feelings come easily. (In composite chart, composite venus is at 21 taurus (which is my natal north node) and composite jupiter at 22 pisces (which is 1 deg orb to his natal north node) I am searching for twin flame signs however I get too insecure down the road and ask for insight Mark We have more beautiful aspect in between. His Libra ASC (21) and my Libra DSC (29) are conjunct natally. It was really easy to talk about anything; there were hardly any misunderstandings and we never had an argument. Taipei,Taiwan Neptune/Uranus quadruple whammy (conjunction) Appreciation of each others idealism and weirdness. I see that in some cases you've mentioned "major aspects", but in number 12 and 13 for instance you seem to have only counted the conjunction, or am I mistaken? The composed aspects are crazy to. And Ascendant conjunct Moon AstroSeek, Free Horoscopes and charts 2021 If there are many and/or strong Siamese aspects between you, it is normal to feel an attraction that is a code for "similarity attracts". Hello Leeloo, thankyou for the article. Romance and excitement are part of this synastry contact and it can show a relationship that feels as if it is developing too fast. need i say it was a very scary love at first sight?? The challenge in oppositions is learning how to positively integrate this "swing" or seesaw energy. It can also help each other in creating beautiful things like arts and crafts, and feel a marriage relationship where the other does the cooking, or laundry. The 5-year one also had an exact conjunction between his Moon and my Sun, and an exact sextile between his Mars and my Venus. Which you should, with such a mystical and emotional double connection. I wonder what you would think about this situation: suppose two people have all these aspects you consider important, and they very much love each other, but the woman is scared of commitment and the man is very much into marriage and kids (which she's afraid of). Can you tell me about this? Well, there is good news and there is bad news. hi, do you know what is the meaning of amor in cancer in 12th house (female) opposite to amor in capricorn in the fourth house (male)? Not-at-all. Any major aspect between Sun/Moon and Venus/Mars in a synastry is particularly strong. sun sq ve/ma Sun conjunction mercury double whammy: I don't get this one
it's not like we have endless talks or anything, it feels strange actually
cannot figure this one out actually! Moon opposite Venus DW - good feelings.. comfort. their dr ve/ma is my natal ones My name is Noemi and I am trying to study astrology however I am quite new to it. Moon / Saturn opposition DW - feels like you literally need that person in your life. When the overall charts are good and the relationship takes shape and has endurance markers, it usually happens with time. Their synastry chart also features a Moon trine Venus double whammy. We also have mars conjunct venus double whammy (within 1 orb). It can go either way depending on Mercury and other aspects. Free Online Astrology, Synastry Chart Aspects, Meanings and Interpretations. October 2017 April 2015 Its very hard to arrange plans together and follow them through because something always comes up. The stronger the resonance the more need to be-with each other. September 2015 It was definitely a good relationship, and I'm glad that she's looked me up again hahaha (as friends!). Hahahahaha. Patty. It's a theoretical ideal. December 2017 August 2015 I think those are VERY important. How about Venus/Mars to the Lights? My sun, moon, venus and mars all fall into his 7th house, and our suns conjunct each otherâs descendants. Can the sun moon be in the same sign but not conj in degrees? Moon/Pluto would be in the contender. Kiron in aries; house 7 So we have this warm Sun-Moon conjunction, and it is maybe even âdouble whammyâ, unless he was born in the morning. The result is a composite Sun/Juno conjunction. Please leave. The other is venus conjunct Júpiter in apex and mid heaven and kiron in basis. Hi Dani :) They are also a sign of intense attraction, and this strong pull towards the partner (which might manifest at times as an intense attraction/repulsion game). Best, So I would say, let us not forget the Composite conjunctions and oppositions and see which underlying DW aspects are present! As Conjunct AS It's all a matter of resonance. Pluto His Venus in Libra conjuncts my Mars in Libra and my Jupiter in Sagittarius conjuncts his Mars in Sagittarius (the cowboy Wanderer). My Ven conj his Mars 25Scor. If we have karma conj venus in composite, does that count or is it only for synastry? Every house planet sign astroid is either a yin yang or DW. And in this sinastries the other synastry aspects were harmonious with lot of aspects. Yod, February 2018 (cancer stellium sun/ve/ma/merc/juno opp moon all square pluto) Although we have an exact DW (trine + square) Pluto/Mars in our synastry I don't consider it our strongest resonance. Are you ok with the concept of a "twin flame" being a traumatic or otherwise unhealthy relationship? Thanks for your help. I would also like to know that... does anyone know if a close conjunction, but not considered conjunction also had the same effect? With the opposition there is A competitive aspect of Mars that may come out ⦠Sun / Jupiter DW - conjunction & trine - again, good feelings, you just feel good around the other person. :o ^.^, What u think about Yods? Colors My Mars trine his Jup in Gem. Venus / Mars DW - conjunction & square - it was a long-distance crush, but we were both into each other at some point. In synastry, we expect good Sun/Moon contacts (the conjunction, especially) to float us down a river of bliss, or at least peace. In #1, you mentioned the Lights and Venus/Mars. I really do feel like he's my other half.. or twin flame. Hi Virgo :) I recommend this report: I'm going to do some more digging and will return.. thank you again so much!!! Relational Astrology One ⦠Bad? 2) My romantic interest and I both share IC conjunct north node (1 deg orb) in our natal charts and our north nodes exact sextile (21 taurus and 21 Pisces). What about Moon conjunct North Node in Synastry? We have been together for over a year now and have been discussing the possibility of marriage recently. Does this aspect have any meaning since we both have it in natal? But first: any boyfriend who claims someone other than you is their soulmate is not going to make you happy or be a good partner to you, ever. Our Romantic Soulmate/ Twinflame, as per the myth, completes us on the highest level of compatibility, so any Soulmate or Twinflame relationship will show at least these markers, and will have at least such a strong astrological tapestry as skeleton. moon septile venus There is also a sort of admiration between you too. Psychic Case Studies And we are not even in a relationships!!! I need to ask though, whether you only look for conjunctions to count as an indicator of such relationships? There is much to be said about this DW, but it would be a powerful one, especially considering these are the Nodes of the Moon itself. ve/ve, ma/ma (+karma) July 2016 Natureâs Healthy Lifestyle. February 2017 Venus opposite Ascendant + Venus square Ascendant - with him again. They always delight you and their bad qualities dont seem to bother you. No emotional compatibility though. My Moon conjuncts her North Node at 1°, and her Moon conjuncts my North Node at 3°. Hello! These astrological aspects do not by any means tell us whether the relationship is happy or healthy. If you prefer, since you can attach charts in Lindaland, you can post the charts and we can continue the conversation there. She 1998/Spe/22 time unknown Taipei Taiwan. sun/saturn DW Forecasts a DW opposite (strong aspect) and well.. conjunct midpoints. I have 2 yods with someone in composite chart. All points on the list are present in long-term quality romantic/marital - type relationships, in various degrees for each point, and having all of them prominent in synastry/composite actually qualifies for an astrological theoretical model of romantic relationships. Venus in each other's 1st house - you just like the person. mercury, juno, chiron in 4th, sun in 5th, saturn in 6th close to dsc, venus/mars in 7th, moon/neptune in 11th or 12th What is considered a conjunction exactly Does it at least show we would be extremely important to each other in some form or fashion? with these DWs it's all about attraction/sexual interest and struggling to make it work. Sacred Geometry Sun/Mercury (conjunction) You get each other. And many other conjunction with outer planets A (former) love interest of mine has natal Nessus conjunct Sun (orb 2 degrees), and my Moon is right between them. Lenormand Neptune square Ascendant sun cnj pluto Understanding this aspect properly would imply knowing the role Pluto has in each chart, and also how connected it is to love and relationships (or not) for each natal chart. Posts: 4122From: vodka fine, I'm so divineRegistered: Nov 2012, Mercury/VenusShe had Mercury at 7 Taurus and Venus at 26 AriesI have Mercury at 28 Libra and Venus at 6 Scorpio. You light up each other's path IF you agree to offer each other unconditional emotional support and care. Unhealthy attachment that goes beyond crazy.. well, it was combined with Pluto but still. venus conjunct ic Thank you, Hi Anthony :) But Sun/Venus, Sun/Mars and Moon/Venus Moon/Mars are also very important romantic combinations, two being a Yang combo, and two being a Yin combo. I feel like he is my soulmate. Node Conjunct Pluto ve/ma opp nep Tina January 12, 2014 at 1:44 am. My new âromantic interestâ and i have this strange DOUBLE WHAMMY synastry between our Neptunes, Moons, ASC/DSC axes, and 1-7 houses. PS If you are able to respond to me via my email address, that would be very helpful. Dates tend to be very spontaneous. Node oppose Mars Can the exact conj between sun/moon midpoints compensate that? All The good news is that, eventually, there will be a little bit of a balance here. Often these two planets are the stuff that whirlwind romances are made of. His Aqu Moon trine my Gem Moon. I just like to be in his company, because he makes me feel good - compliments me all the time and makes me feel special. Me and someone have every planet and astroid in yin yang aspects and DW. Aspects commonly found in the Synastry of Soulmates : ⢠Double Whammyâs (a double aspect: Moon sextile Venus // Venus trine Moon) ⢠Squares to the Nodes = Star-crossed lovers ⢠Conjunctions to the SouthNode = past life connection ⢠Neptune trine Chiron = unconditional love ⢠Pallas conjunct Pluto = strong psychic connection ⢠7th ruler conjunct Amor = soulmates Thanks again for making this checklist. of 1,5?)) This is definitely one of the strongest resonations that can occur between charts.If I see it right, a composite alignment (opp. We May Never Pass This Way Again (Karmic Lovers) I had some relationships in the past with strong Saturn connections like Ascendant conjunct Saturn, Moon conjunct Saturn, Venus conjunct Saturn or Sun conjunct Saturn. Oftentimes it's BETTER to just have the affinities without an actual aspect that can trigger an already natally challenged planet. Again, if you find a double whammy - such as person A's Ascendant conjunct person B's Moon and person B's Ascendant conjunct person A's Moon - then all the better! We wind each other up when arguing, sure, and our habits and emotional natures are so different, but it ⦠Health Seminars; Contact; Nutrition Consultant Again, if you find a double whammy â such as person Aâs Ascendant conjunct person Bâs Moon and person Bâs Ascendant conjunct person Aâs Moon â then all the better! (Even for progressed composite) Yes, moon conjunct venus is indeed a beautiful aspect. Node square venus You know when you look at someone and they're just your "type". September 2017 i'm wondering what you think about this. Hello LeeLoo, I am hoping to get your help with some insight on the synastry and composite chart between my boyfriend and me. Ascendant in virgo. Those with Venus conjunct, square, or opposite Uranus in Synastry create exciting sparks in relationships. There were also some strong Saturn ties, so the relationships lasted a bit. my draconic moon/ve/ma is their natal ones Uranus square ascendant Another possibility if there was a Major natal aspect involved with each natal. karma conjuct all above The best relationship of my life, going on 20 years together now, involves no Venus/Mars contacts and the only Sun/Moon contact is a quincunx (his Sun to my Moon). The two of them feel loved and adored, as well as nurtured, by one another. But anyway, we have: Sun sextile Moon + Sun opposite Moon Moon conjunct Moon Venus trine Venus Jupiter trine Sun + Jupiter opposite Sun Moon conjunct Vertex + Moon opposite Vertex Jupiter conjunct Vertex + Jupiter conjunct Vertex Mars trine Chiron + Mars conjunct Chiron. You both call each other and initiate contact suddenly. Sun, venus, mars/uranus DW's And venus/neptune DW's Guess there's more than 5....kind of crazy! Planets And Asteroids If this is the most exact aspect between your charts, your main relationship theme concerns heightened sensibilities, appreciating and caring for each other, including accepting each otherâs flaws, and finding ways to be of service. The A person Pluto forms an aspect to the B person Venus, but the B person Pluto also aspects the A person Venus. mars conjunct venus So, So in our composite we have IC conjunct north node again (wth 12 minute orb) with composite mercury sitting at 20 aries. The ex and him has a Moon conjunct Venus Moon Mars Synastry: In synastry, this is another sign of true sexual compatibility. Sun square Moon Sun conjunction mercury double whammy: I don't get this oneâ¦it's not like we have endless talks or anything, it feels strange actually⦠cannot figure this one out actually! It's been a lifelong romance full of passion & sex, full of ups & downs, going on 40 yrs next year. We're so yin yang its wild. sadly, it's my venus that seems most impacted. or just amor opposite to amor will be ok, thank you! In a natal chart, good Sun/Moon contacts go a long way to helping us make that desired integration of ⦠we have- Hope you have some comments on them. but when we met we were both in relationships. However, no relationship is without challenges, albeit a successful relationship having the power to face them as a team. The Ascendant represents our physical appearance, and the way we project ourselves to the world. 1) I noticed draco composite chart and transits can be quite evident in significant timings. Hi, Jamie :) All aspects between Sun Moon Venus and Mars in all combinations are extremely significant in synastry, and generally all aspects between the personal planets, Mercury and love planets included. All this with this one person, but the attraction is more from his side. Juno conjunct sun-moon midpoint OR Juno-Ceres midpoint conjunct sun-moon midpoint (particularly when both asteroids are also within the same sign as the otherâs sun-moon midpoint) I have this case in a double whammy synastry. Pattern Completion I think he is able to read my emotions very well, and I always react positively if he holds my hans etc. Mercury/Uranus (square) I only have one specific example for this. I have a question that maybe you can help me with. Thank you so much, Noemi, I will list two of the best astrology books in this post. My Moon, Mars and Neptune in Libra conjuncts my friends Sun, Venus in Libra. The 18-month one had his Moon exactly conjunct my Sun and his Mars trine my Venus. A person who sweeps us off our feet and takes us by complete surprise. You show it to an animal, a child, a lover and God. Moon trine ascendant and moon square ascendant: We like being emotionally and intimate.. we love holding hands and touch each other. Sun/Venus semisquare and sextile Sun/Mars semisquare and trineSun/Uranus semisquare and squareSun/Pluto sesquisquare and squareMoon/Mars opp and squareMoon/Jupiter square and OppMerc/Venus semisquare and sextileMerc/Mars trine and semisquareVenus/Saturn trine and sextileVenus/Pluto square and quincunxMars/Jupiter square and sextile, Posts: 1509From: The MoonRegistered: Aug 2013. Please have hope and self respect. I am wondering what would vesta on davidson chart exact conjunction on ascendent mean? Sun/Venus generally makes two people liking each other very much and finding each other beautiful and appealing, as physique and personality, especially Venus feels this for the Sun. there can be "dead" periods between us where it feels cold but still very stable
fortunately we got a lot of jupiter and uranus in our synastry too, so these "dead" periods doesn't last long, but they feel very boring when they happen, venus square uranus and venus sextile uranus: I think this just means that we give each other a lot of freedom, but often it also means we are inhibited from seeing each other often
there is always something "in the way", Posts: 40749From: Saturn next to CharmainecRegistered: Apr 2009, Copyright 2000-2014 ..? Jupiter/Neptune (sextile) Very flowing discussions. Having his and her Moon conjunct Venus Synastry means that theres an exact mutual emotional support in the relationship. June 2016 2. Ascendants are trine Lib/Aqu. Sex Can you give me an insight into our synastry? MC trine Sun Powered by Infopop © 2000 Daleth, Does Eros/Psyche conj in composite chart count for soulmate ??? Do you know how to find the location of Priapus in a natal chart? But my Neptune trines his MercMy Mercury trine his Mars. This is why I started studying astrology. Venus Conjunct Mars Synastry Karma.
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