Hazards Identification According to Regulation 2012 OSHA Hazard Communication Standard; 29 CFR Part 1910.1200 Classification of the product Aquatic Chronic 1 Hazardous to the aquatic environment - chronic Label elements The product does not require a hazard warning label in accordance with … This product is a powerful, selective post emergent herbicide that controls tough weeds other … Image Herbicide. Cadre DG and Plateau DG herbicide labels. Read and follow the applicable restrictions and limitations and directions for use on all product labels involved in tank mixin g. For example, some products are not labeled for use on home lawns, while others are not labeled for use on golf greens. Well watered, adequate fertility, not scalped or damaged via mowing. Page 1 of 1 … This ready-to-spray is a selective weed killer for lawn weeds that starts working on contact to kill tough lawn weeds and act as a weed control. The herbicide Imazapic kills and stops surface growth of certain broadleaf weeds and grasses, such as bermudagrass, cocklebur, smartweed and bahiagrass. It is difficult to keep up with all of the situations in which herbicides can and cannot be used. Note: Image is also the trade name for a product that contains atrazine and not imazaquin; check the label to ensure you are using the proper product. More items to explore. General Garden Info Clay Pots – Cleaning. Weeds are programmed to compete and they do this very effectively. Imazaquin Herbicide Image This selective, post-emergent weed killer targets tenacious warm and cold season weeds, including yellow and purple nutsedge, dollarweed, annual bluegrass (poa annua), wild onion … Herbicides Index. IMAGE Herbicide Consumer Concentrate Kills Nutsedge. Pursuit herbicide label. Active ingredients: Imazaquin, Prodiamine, Simazine Meet the most all-encompassing and easy-to-use herbicide for southern turf. imazaquin imazethapyr . Acute inhalation. Always check the label to make sure the pesticide you choose will not damage desired plants. Con-sult the label to determine if the herbicide … It is important to know the name of the weed you are trying to control before using any weed control chemical. Here are the labels for all of the Image brand products. 2000. www.cdms.net. Active Ingredients: Ammonium salt of imazaquin.... 3.30%. Always consult the product label before applying any products. It is the pesticide user’s responsibility to ensure that all products are registered for the intended use. Labels provide users with specific use information, turfgrass tolerance, weed species controlled and information about where the product can be safely applied. Water the lawn the day before spraying to help protect the turfgrass and to assure that the weeds are actively growing (so they will better take up the herbicide). No. In any correspondence on this SCEPTER T&O can be used as a selective post-emergence herbicide that provides superior control of many hard-to-control weeds in turf and landscape ornamentals. 3 Pages. Scepter is a flexible broad-spectrum herbicide which may be applied preplant incorporated, preemergence or postemergence in soybeans. Learn more about Image For Weeds brand selective and non-selective herbicides, and control common lawn weed problems. Manufacturer : Amvac Usage Rate Recommendations : 1.4 - 2.8 Ounces per Acre 4Scepter herbicide label. muscle degeneration eye irritation liver damage anemia increased cholesterol Crystalline silica is associated with a variety of significant health hazards. Weed competition can cause significant yield losses in all crops. Imazaquin: Image Kills Nutsedge is a homeowner-packaged, post-emergence herbicide product that will aid in the control of and reduce competition from bahiagrass. Synonyms: imazaquin 2. When adequate moisture is received after dry conditions, Scepter 70 DG herbicide . Provides outstanding residual control on … Lawn Dork does not guarantee that the information on this site is accurate, current, or correct, and is therefore not liable for any loss resulting, directly or indirectly, from reliance upon this service. Care for your lawn by killing tough weeds, including nutsedge, dollar-weed, wild onion, sandbur, annual blue grass. Imazaquin (2- [4,5-dihydro-4 ... (If you do not understand the label, find someone to explain it to you in detail.) IMAGE Herbicide All-in-One Lawn Weed Killer Ready-To-Spray kills Crabgrass, Dandelion, Nutsedge, Clover, and Other Listed Weeds. Image 70 Dg Herbicide Label. Imazaquin Image . Pages 3-4 removed, draft label. Label rate applied broad cast is less likely to stress grass. Imazaquin (Scepter Herbicide, EPA Reg. Image Herbicide Concentrate Image Kills Tough Weeds on Lawns. Herbicides Index Image Herbicide Product Label (PDF). Herbicide cannot be mixed with any product containing a label prohibitionagainst such mixing. Image Herbicide Products – Labels. ciation, chemistry, trade names, and manufacturers is available on the back cover of Weed Science and/or in the Herbicide Handbook from the WSSA, 309 West Clark St., Champaign, IL 61820. Scepter T&O 70 WDG Herbicide is for landscape ornamental and turfgrass use only. Apply herbicides when nutsedge is actively growing in warm conditions with adequate soil moisture. For flexible, broad-spectrum control, turfgrass managers can count on SCEPTER® T&O WDG herbicide. After 24 hours, the leaves will have absorbed enough of this herbicide and ¼ to ½ inches of irrigation or rainfall 1 to 7 days after application will allow for root absorption. a ;: NOTE: Changes in labeling formula differing in substance from that accepted in connection with this registration must be submitted to and accepted by the Registration Division prior to use of the label in commerce. Tox review 006069. Common Name Trade Name Manufacturer acetochlor Harness Monsanto acifluorfen Blazer Rohm and Haas Tackle Rhone-Poulenc … The International Agency for Re-search on … Can be used safely on most southern grasses, see label for specifics. Imazaquin Product Names . Products containing imazaquin must bear the signal word "Caution" on their label (223). Keep container closed to avoid spills and contamination. Image label Image is a postemergent, selective herbicide for use in southern turf grass and selected ornamentals Manufactured in United States New (13) from $29.20 & FREE Shipping. It moves downward in soil to where the Nutsedge … Ammonium salt of imazaquin (2-[4,5-dihydro-4-methyl-4(1-methylethyl)-5-oxo-1H-imidazol- ... A Selective Herbicide for Use in Established: ... consistent with this label may result in plant injury. Imazaquin is an imidazolinone herbicide that effectively controls a broad spectrum of weed species. Fungicide-Herbicide Branch. EPA Registration No. With powerful resistance management and broad-spectrum control, Coastal™ Herbicide can be used safely on all the four major warm-season turf grasses without the need to tank mix. Eight of the 10 herbicide programs evaluated consisted of full-label rates of glyphosate plus metolachlor preplant in combination with either (1) 0.5 X or 1 x imazaquin pre-plant, (2) 0.5 x (early postemergence) or 1 X (postemer-gence) imazethapyr, (3) 0.5 X imazaquin followed by 0.5 x or 1 x imazethapyr, or (4) 1 X imazaquin … Instead, read the label for imazaquin (click for sources) to see if it is appropriate for your situation. For example in arable crops, whether it is small, annual broad-leaved weeds that grow in large numbers and which complete their life cycle very quickly, or large grass weeds like wild oats, … 241-292 Scepter Herbicide Contains Surfactant. Scepter® 70 DG herbicide is a proven tool for weed management in soybean production. To control cool-season annual weeds, apply a pre-emergence herbicide in early fall (August to September). your lawn has to be up to it to take it as well. Lawn Dork is an Amazon Associate and earns from qualifying purchases. Herbicide kills nutsedge in warm season grasses. Image Herbicide Specimen Label. 241-289; Scepter Herbicide … HERBICIDE BRAND NAMES, ACTIVE INGREDIENTS, CHEMICAL FAMILIES, AND MODES OF ACTION (continued) Brand Names Active Ingredient(s) Chemical Family Mode of Action1 Break-Up pronamide Benzamide 3 Buctril bromoxynil Nitrile 6 Bullet alachlor + atrazine Chloroacetamide + triazine 15 + 5 Butoxone 2,4 -DB Phenoxy … Active Ingredient : Imazaquin -- 70.0% (Same ingredient of Image 70 DG Herbicide) Rate: 0.25 oz per 1.5 gallon of water per 1,000 sq.ft or 8.6 oz - 11.4 oz per 100 gallons of water per acre (See LABEL for details) Image Herbicide Label. It may be applied to established bermudagrass, Zoysiagrass, centipedegrass and St, Augustinegrass, but do not apply to tall fescue. Residue Chemistry Branch. Imazapic herbicides come in either liquid or granule form, which you can spread or spray around the desired area. Once you know the weed, it is simple to read the label of a weed control product to see if it works on your weed. February 2, 1987. Active Ingredients: Ammonium salt of imazaquin.... 3.30%. This product is a powerful, selective post emergent herbicide that controls tough … Active Ingredients : Imazaquin 70%. Other thing to consider is how Image works. Memorandum. Order Image Image 70 DG. emergence herbicide in early spring (January to March) before the soil temperature has warmed to 55 degrees F. For weeds that tend to sprout throughout the summer, a second application may be required in June or July. ... then a cultivation or postemergence herbicide application can improve weed control. Image(Imazaquin) is not a good one to spot spray. Michael Metzger. TAGS: Herbicide; Advertisement. Treats 6000 sq ft. Patented ingredient helps starve weeds to death Rescue your lawn from hard-to-kill weeds with Image brand's nutsedge killer concentrate. Related posts. 47 HERBICIDE MODE OF ACTION TABLE WSSA GROUP MODE OF ACTION CHEMICAL FAMILY (GROUP) ACTIVE INGREDIENTS 2 Triazolopyrimidine cloransulam-methyl diclosulam … Coastal Herbicide Simazine Prodiamine Imazaquin - 0.5 - 2.5 Gal is selective ultimate, easy-to-use herbicide for warm season turfgrass like Bermudagrass, Centipedegrass, St. Augustinegrass, and Zoysiagrass on Golf Courses (Excluding Golf Course Putting Greens), Athletic fields, Commercial and Residential Turf, and … Note: All of these effects occurred in studies of laboratory animals. Imazaquin Herbicide Bermuda Grass . CHEMICAL CLASS: imidazole compound INTRODUCTION: Imazaquin is a imidazole compound used as a selective, pre- and postemergence herbicide. Image Herbicide Concentrate Kills Tough Weeds on Lawns. American Cyanamid Co., Wayne, NJ 07470.
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