Part 11 - Ice Path, Blackthorn City and Gym, Route 45, Dark Cave Part 12 - Route 46, Dragon's Den, Mt. Before that can happen, Clair will enter the shrine and ask if you've found the Dragon Fang. Other than his starter, which will be in its final form now unless you started with Chikorita, the types of his Pokemon are uncommon, but they have plenty of weaknesses and make for a rather fragile team overall. Head to the left, and veer southward towards a small ice sheet. Slide to the left, into the boulder, and then continue along the room in a clockwise pattern, using the boulders to reach the middle of the room. Archer, the fourth and final Rocket Executive, now challenges you to a fight. The Radio Tower's director will come up and thank you for your efforts against the Rockets. After a Bird Keeper with a Hoothoot and a Pidgeotto is the entrance of Ice Path, so heal up and head inside. This cave is a three levelled cave and has you solve puzzles across these multiple floors. While Surfing, you can also find Poliwag, which has two decent final evolutions: Water/Fighting-type Poliwrath and cute Water-type Politoed. We'll come back to her in a minute; head right now instead of up through the ledge and enter the path of trees that leads to the guy we saw just a second ago. You'll now find a small ice path and a boulder; push the boulder down once and use it to reach an Iron vitamin, which gives a Pokemon 10 Defense EVs. The next room has an Ultra Ball behind some boxes near the entrance. There are also several more items in Ice Path, including Never-Melt Ice. Gyarados is her easiest Pokemon, but it's still bulky and lowers your Attack through Intimidate. You're going to have to cleverly finagle four of the round stones into four holes strewn throughout the room. Depending on your answers, you will be rewarded with a Dratini, which may or may not have Extremespeed, a move that Dratini cannot normally learn. Slide into the icy rock on the right and then go left, down and right to reach a Kimono Girl from behind. While Surfing, you might encounter a Dratini, but don't bother catching it because you can receive one for free soon. Like in GSC, however, a Pokemon that knows Strength is required to get through this area. You might want a Jynx or Swinub for the upcoming Gym battle. A Burglar with a Growlithe and Koffing is in the middle-left segment of the maze, and a male Grunt with a Koffing and a Muk is above him in the upper-left section of the maze. But if you instead navigate your way carefully around to the eastern edge of the room via the extremely thin patch of exposed dry land there, and then use the set of staircases to work your way southward along the eastern edge of the ice sheet, you can grab TM72. Speak to the man in the northwest corner to receive the BlackGlasses , then head south and jump the larger pair of ledges. The female Rocket Grunt near the purple switch has two Gloom, and just above her is another (completely optional) male Grunt with a Rattata. The Ice Path is a frozen cave with many ice-related puzzles. Ariana is toughest Rocket Executive yet, but she's still easy to beat. Otherwise, shoot southward out of the exit, and you'll find yourself in Blackthorn City. Head to the left, and veer southward towards a small ice sheet. Pick up the Ultra Ball next to Proton and then head up the staircase. Many of these sheets will require plenty of thought to cross, since you'll slide endlessly in the direction you pressed until you run into a hard object, whether it be a rock, a wall, or whatever. It may seem easy enough to get through this next room, and it is if you want to walk southward, slide across the ice, and use the ladder leading up there. The guide for those can be found here. As Clair's roster has no Electric-type moves, you can also teach your Water-type Avalanche or Ice Beam (which costs 10,000 coins at the Game Corner) to gain an edge against her Dragonairs. All that's left to do is to claim the Protein to your north, and then slide along the ice sheet southward towards the exit out of this dungeon. Mortar, New Bark Town, Ecruteak City Part 13 - Bell Tower/Whirl Islands and Ruins of Alph This is an in-depth walkthrough for Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver for the Nintendo DS. In the meantime, backtrack to the staircase we just told you to ignore, and walk to the right. If you are playing HeartGold, stock up on Dusk Balls. There's a PP Up off to the side and Blackthorn City, home of the final Johto Gym, is just ahead. You'll run into the previous owner of the Hidden Machine you just claimed, and can speak with him briefly about it, but ultimately, you're going to want to continue to the northeastern edge of this large room, where you'll find a ladder leading down to a new area. You'll see a Red Apricorn tree, a Max Repel on the ground and a Psychic who uses a Natu and a Kadabra. HeartGold is a rich and deep gaming experience with some content that, while it is essentially part of the story mode, can still easily be missed in casual play. All Rights Reserved. The Pokémon HeartGold and Pokémon SoulSilver Walkthrough will guide you from the beginning of your adventure to the end - the Pokémon League. Also, you can work your way around the ice sheet to claim the PP Up sitting there, if you want it. As you leave the Dragon's Den, Clair will be waiting to give you TM59 - Dragon Pulse, a Special Dragon-type attack with good power. Fight the nearby Rocket with a Raticate and Koffing and head up to the fourth floor. The only notable thing in the next area is the NeverMeltIce on the ground; this hold item boosts Ice-type moves by 20%. This walkthrough follows the remade Nintendo DS version, not Pokémon Gold and Silver. HM07,Max Potion, Full Heal, TM72, Never Melt Ice, Iron, Protein, PP Up. Sneasel has awful Defense, a 4x Fighting-type weakness and a Fire-type weakness, so Quilava, Magmar or a Focus Puncher work fine. Lamely, he retains a team of two Pokemon: a Level 28 Golbat and a Level 33 Weezing. Either way, his team is pretty easy to take down as long as you haven't been lazy in your own training. Finally, Remoraid is exclusive to this Route and can be fished up with a Good or Super Rod, although it is rare unless swarming. Eventually, you'll come across a large sheet of ice, much like the ice featured in Mahogany Gym. Het bevat alle informatie die je nodig hebt van het begin tot het einde, en zelfs erna. Archer will disband Neo Team Rocket on the spot and all of its members flee from Goldenrod City. The final platform must be moved in the following sequence: left arrow, blue button twice, right arrow, blue button, up arrow three times, blue button, right arrow, blue button, up arrow twice. Pokemon Soul Silver Walkthrough Part #39: Ice Path - YouTube Clair is tough, so don't get discouraged if you lose a few times. To start, step on the left arrow, then the blue button twice and finally the right arrow to be able to cross to the other side. You can step on the green geyser to return to the start of the gym, and after the female Ace Trainer is another rotating platform. Strength is needed to push boulders down holes in order to navigate through Ice Path. The Ice Path is a freezing location with ice sheets similar to the ones you used in the last gym at Mahogany Town. The man on the left is the Move Deleter, who can remove HM moves from your Pokemon, and the man in the suspenders is the Move Relearner, who charges a Heart Scale to teach one level-up move to your Pokemon that it doesn't know but should have learned at an earlier level. Ignore the stairs headed to the north right now, and slide around the smaller ice sheet to your right. You should have plenty of experience with Koffing by this point, so take him down as usual. You will see someone who will congratulate you for making it through the Ice Path if you talk to them. Find Carbos on the second floor down (mostly ice), in the southeast corner, in the south wall next to a rock. If you are playing SoulSilver, get tons of Heavy Balls instead. Proton will be waiting to challenge you to a battle. You need to grab the HM07 (Waterfall) over there in order to finish the game.
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