Add a cup of half baking soda and half distilled white vinegar to the load. ... Toss into washing machine or wash by hand. 4-6 dryer sheets in dryer. The views expressed in community are solely the opinions of participants, and do not reflect those of What to Expect. Leave the front of the washing machine open to dry if you have a front loader. Pre-treat the soiled area with enzyme- or oxy-based cleaners. Wipe the front door and other areas. Wipe out all the poop smears with a rag soaked in vinegar. You can find this product in the laundry aisle at the grocery store. I double rinse. And I have no idea how I didn't smell it while I was doing laundry. SHAY: It goes into a pipe. // ]]> Joe is an odor combatant, chemistry extraordinaire and all around good guy. Makes my house smell fresh and bleach! My 3 year old had a poop accident at daycare. Turn the sprayer OFF, then spray into the toilet one last time to get any residual water out of the hose before you replace the nozzle. You tried every experimental concoction you can think of in washing your blanket to get rid of the smell to no avail. Sanitizing or disinfecting Cleaning comes first because it's hard to disinfect something that hasn't been cleaned properly. But, should you was… My washer sometimes won't run a cycle without clothes in it, and I often forget about the clean cycle option, so I just run some clothes that need to be bleached with it. Sunshine and fresh air can work wonders when it comes to getting smells … Makes my house smell fresh and bleach! //
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