William Joseph Harper was a leading proponent of the notion that slavery was not merely a necessary evil, but a positive social good, and his “Memoir on Slavery” reinforced this idea. U.S. cotton exports skyrocketed from about 3,000 bales in 1790 to 178,000 bales in 1810. In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln freed slaves in the rebellious Southern states via the Emancipation Proclamation. However, by 1804, all states north of the Mason-Dixon Line had either abolished slavery outright or passed laws for the gradual abolition of slavery based upon abolition movements that viewed the practice of slavery as unethical, antithetical to the core principles of the United States, and detrimental to the rights of all free persons. Key Points. Antebellum Period summary. Slavery Argument During the Antebellum period, with the emergence of the Second Great Awakening provoked lots of political and social reforms such as abolitionism and changes within the religion of Christianity. Between 1810 and 1860, all Southern states passed legislation that made it increasingly difficult for white masters to free their slaves, even in their postmortem wills. A period of relative free trade followed 1846's Walker Tariff, which had been largely written by Southerners. His “Memoir on Slavery,” first given as a lecture in 1838, established Harper as a leading proponent of the notion that slavery was not in fact a necessary evil but rather a positive social good. Although the aristocrats owned a majority of the wealth and land, it was their slaves who made the plantations a success. 5 Former president Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, freeing the slaves of the South after the Civil War Credit: Getty - Contributor Uncategorized. Race was a critical element of chattel slavery. Nevertheless the southern plantation economy could prosper only because of the transfer of surplus slaves from the upper South to the plantations of the cotton-growing Deep South and Old Southwest. Had it only been about wearing period-era clothes and having fun with the more innocent aspects of the past, the focus would have … Categories . ." Even in these circumstances, though, slaves were treated as inferior beings and denied the ability to choose their own path in life. ∎ a person who…, Jews engaged in the slave trade – although they never played a prominent role in it – from the early Middle Ages to the early modern period. Civil War, the Antebellum Era was a complicated time period in American history largely defined by brutal slavery in the South. Slaves were denied basic education, and in some cases, prohibited from convening for religious gatherings, in order to prevent potential escape or rebellion. This period saw the end of the Founding Fathers and their generation when questions of slavery and states rights remained unresolved in the grand experiment of the United States. The ante-bellum period of the old South is often considered the pinnacle of Southern aristocracy. Image A and B both represent two periods of slavery during the antebellum South Carolina. Published by Student Homework Help on February 2, 2021. This chapter turns to the antebellum slavery debate and explains why strategies used by earlier antislavery Christians failed under the pressure of aggressive antebellum proslavery. Their ability to express themselves, however, was determined by whether they lived in the North or the South. Sections: Slavery—The Peculiar Institution | Free Blacks in the Antebellum Period | Abolition, Anti-Slavery Movements, and the Rise of the Sectional Controversy | The Civil War | Reconstruction and Its Aftermath | The Booker T. Washington Era | World War I and Postwar Society | The Depression, The New Deal, and World War II | The Civil Rights Era The “Plain Folk of the Old South” owned land, were subsistence farmers, and owned few or no slaves. The Antebellum South was a period in the history of the southern United States, from the late 18th century until the start of the American Civil War in 1861.. Shoes were only provided for winter months. Within the “Cite this article” tool, pick a style to see how all available information looks when formatted according to that style. Antebellum Test. Thus, slaves and masters were recorded separated or together, according to the whims of the church clerk, sometimes they were baptized together , xxv the death of slaves was faithfully recorded, and baptisms and licensing of black preachers gave them a positive sense of self. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Slavery was a form of forced labor existing as a legal institution from the colonial period until the mid-nineteenth century. Leave a reply. The word "Antebellum" means, the period before a war. Antebellum, 1832-1860 The antebellum period is defined as the time between the formation of the U.S. government and the outbreak of the American Civil War. Meanwhile, non-slaveholding civilizations in more southerly areas, such as Spain, Italy, and Mexico, were rapidly slipping into “degeneracy and barbarism.” Only the slaveholding Southern United States, Brazil, and Cuba were seen as making “favorable progress.”. Big picture analysis & overview of Antebellum Period. Antebellum Slavery: Health . Antebellum Period Pre-Civil War - Time before the Civil War Asylums Mental Hospitals for the mentally impaired Declaration of Sentiments A document patterned after the Declaration of Independence listing the rights of women +10 more terms. Southern proslavery theorists argued that the class of landless poor was easily manipulated and thus could destabilize society as a whole. Published by Student Homework Help on February 2, 2021. Eli Whitney was the creator of what invention? 5. Slaves were of African descent and children of slaves became slaves themselves. Wikipedia. Plantations were self-sustained communities, with slave quarters, storehouses, smokehouses, barns, tools, livestock, gardens, orchards, and fields. Accordingly, the nation was polarized along the Mason-Dixon Line. Other statutes made the circulation of abolitionist material a capital offense and outlawed literacy and unsupervised assembly among enslaved people. xxvi Nonetheless, because some churches did not allow slaves to attend unless they had … Family and community ties were very strong under the extraordinary circumstances. They saw the abolition of slavery as a threat to their new, powerful Southern market, a market that revolved almost entirely around the plantation system and was supported by the use of black slavery. Care was taken to keep as large a number of slaves as possible busy throughout the year. The mass migration disrupted slave families and taxed slaves with the intense work of cutting dense cane, draining swamps, building levees, and planting in the new territory. The Antebellum era marks the significant background prior to the Civil War of the 1860s. Though Southern society was dominated by a planter elite, “Plain Folk” supported secession to defend their families, homes, notions of liberty, and beliefs in racial hierarchies. The British government had successfully indemnified its slave-owners for their loss when the slave trade was ended in 1808 (and slavery was outlawed in 1832), but a similar arrangement was not possible in antebellum America, either financially or politically. Antebellum Slavery: Health The ante-bellum period of the old South is often considered the pinnacle of Southern aristocracy. Slavery in the Antebellum Period Slavery was a form of forced labor existing as a legal institution from the colonial period until the mid-nineteenth century. Plain Folk argued that yeoman farmers played a significant role in Southern society during this era rather than being sidelined by a dominant aristocratic planter class. William Joseph Harper (1790–1847) was a jurist, politician, and social and political theorist from South Carolina. . Free blacks in the antebellum period—those years from the formation of the Union until the Civil War—were quite outspoken about the injustice of slavery. From the late 1830s through the early 1860s, the proslavery argument was at its strongest, in part due to the increasing visibility of the small but vocal abolitionist movement, and in part due to Nat Turner ‘s rebellion in 1831. Slavery was the major issue of the antebellum period that sparked the Civil War. slavery in the antebellum period The “Peculiar Institution” – this is what white southerners often called slavery because they felt it was distinctive and special; the South was the only place in the Western world (except Brazil, Cuba, and Puerto Rico) where slavery still existed; slavery “isolated” the South from the rest of American society. ." The Antebellum South Thrived In Chivalry, Manners, And 1856 Words | 8 Pages. Slaves were forbidden to leave their plantation without a written pass from their masters. Freedom was only possible via granting of manumission by a slave’s owner, a practice that was frequently regulated and sometimes prohibited by law, or by the slave running away, which was both dangerous and illegal. . Southern slaveholders’ proslavery arguments defended the interests of the plantation owners against attempts by abolitionists, lower classes, and non-whites to institute a more equal social structure. People who owned smaller farms and worked alongside the slaves tended to be less brutal. Despite the ban on foreign slave trade, slavery grew. Identify the “Plain Folk of the Old South”. Chapter 3 contends that making a biblical case against slavery in the antebellum context forced antislavery Protestants to acknowledge that moral progress had altered the meaning of the Bible. The areas affected included border states such as Kentucky, which was home to approximately 50,000 slaves at the time, as well as Native American tribal territories. In most southern states, whites outnumbered slaves. Slaves suddenly became much more costly. Antebellum parties, then, are celebrations of the Antebellum-era south and of the Confederacy. Between 1810 and 1860 all southern states passed laws severely restricting the right of slave owners to free their slaves, even in a will. Slaveholders of the South exercised strong influence over U.S. politics, and many presidents were slaveholders. It is not possible in an essay of this size to enumerate all the possible circumstances that defined the Antebellum Period, nor did every characteristic of the period lead directly to war. His work ignited a long historiographical debate. Their ability to express themselves, however, was determined by whether they lived in the North or the South. Others hoped to improve society through education reform … “Positive good” theorists, such as John C. Calhoun, believed that slavery, with its strict and unchanging social hierarchy, made for a more stable society than that of the Northern states where wage laborers of diverse backgrounds engaged actively in democratic politics. Most online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. These moves uprooted roughly six hundred thousand slaves. James Henry Hammond, a wealthy Southern plantation owner, described this theory to justify what he saw as the willingness of the non-whites to perform menial work: Their labor enabled the higher classes to move civilization forward. However, the date of retrieval is often important. (The mudsill is the lowest layer that supports the foundation of a building.) By 1860 the South's investment in its slaves actually exceeded in value all its other investments, including land. The years from 1831 to 1861, the high point of cotton plantation culture, came to be known as the classic era of the “Old South,” often depicted in popular literature with images of large plantations with pillared mansions run by aristocratic gentlemen with hundreds of slaves. Hypothetical complex coordinated terrorist attack plan February 2, 2021. The nostalgic view of the South emphasized the elite planter class of wealth and refinement who controlled large plantations and numerous slaves. The Antebellum Period is a five-decade period in American history that spans the years after the War of 1812 but before the Civil War in 1861. These farmers often are referred to as “yeomen,” a term that emphasizes an independent political spirit and economic self-reliance. Encyclopedia.com gives you the ability to cite reference entries and articles according to common styles from the Modern Language Association (MLA), The Chicago Manual of Style, and the American Psychological Association (APA). Resistance to slavery in the Antebellum period; Research Proposal (TESCO) February 2, 2021. The “Plain Folk of the Old South” were a middling class of white farmers who occupied a social rung between rich planters and poor whites. "Slavery in the Antebellum South It was also characterized by the rise of abolition and the gradual polarization of th… Describe how slavery became the foundational economic institution in the antebellum South. Temperance organizations hoped to eliminate social ills caused by alcohol consumption. The old slave plantation, sun-tea, and gentle exchanges on the street were not uncommon sights during this time. Southern proslavery theorists felt that this class of landless poor was inherently transient and easily manipulated, and as such, often destabilized society as a whole. Slaves struggled to keep stable family relations in very difficult situations. Slaves lived in tiny cabins with no doors or windows and very little furniture. Most plantation managers kept a strict eye on profits. 1794. The treatment of slaves in the United States varied depending on conditions, time, and place, but was generally characterized by brutality, degradation, and inhumanity.
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